Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Learning Fair

Brianna participated in her School's learning fair.
She created a Display about Pirates and also wrote a young Authors book.

Brianna Holding her Young Authors book
Brianna's book was chosen out of her entire
school to go to the state young authors conference.

Brianna and Daddy in front of her pirate project

Brianna accepting her learning fair certificate.

Brianna with her principal , Mrs.Miller

After the fair we celebrated at Dairy Queen

It was also St.Patricks day so we are all wearing Green

Once a fisherman always ....

30 year old fisherman
3 year old fisherman

I think he just gets cuter !

Gone Fishin

Marci's Lab partner at school , Omega, Decided that
they deserved a nice treat after working so hard in school all semester long
So she booked the a manicure at a nice salon.
Part of this manicure involved some aqua therapy,
oh ya and some fish eating the dead skin off your feet too.

Marci, Omega's cousin and, Omega enjoying some fish exfoliate.
The fish didn't bite you they just sucked on your feet
which really tickled.

Marci is taking a breather from all the tickling and
thinking " I can't believe we paid for this torture."

If you didn't hold your toes together they would wiggle in between them .

Polar Bear Plunge

Brian Thought that it looked like a nice day to take a quick dip in the lake

It was after all a steamy 36 degrees

The Guys in the lake already are the EMT's
( they don't look so cold)

That splash in the water is Brian

There were about 40 other crazy polar bears that day.
We all had a really good and cold time.

American Girl's

For Christmas The Barnhart gang gave Brianna an American Girl Doll, Which she loves. Grandma Mary made them some matching PJ's which looks adorable. Brianna named her doll Natalie (which means born on Christmas).

In January we took a Train ride to Chicago for Mr.Brayden Forrest's Baptism and we were able to stop at the American girl store. It's hard to tell in this picture but Bri and Natalie have matching outfits on .