Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Saint Louis Art Mueseum

The Saint Louis Art Museum is

one of my favorite places

This might be my favorite painting there

it is Lily Pads by Monet

My little dancing girl with the dancing girl

Brian checking out the mummies

yes real live mummies

or should I say real dead mummies

Sam did a project for School last year in the style of

Frans Marc

so we looked high and low and found a

painting by Frans Marc

The Zoo

We had a Beautiful Day at the Saint Louis Zoo

Brianna on the Trian

Sam is looking a little bit like a wild animal himself in this picture

I love this picture because it looks like the

hippo is kissin Sam

Brianna is checking to see if any of these frogs

are really a prince

We felt right at home with the goats

Sam is bravely petting the python

Now he is sitting on a bench full of hissing cockroaches

Brianna touching the python

we had a great day at te zoo

Cahokia Mounds

We Visited Cahokia Mounds

This was an actual archaeologist dig site

we learned a lot about Native American's

and saw so really neat things

This is the gang on top of the huge mound

This is half way up the mound

Inside the Visitors center

We ate lunch at the world famous

Bert's Chuck Wagon

Yum !


Day #2 of Sam's Visit we went Fishing
didn't Catch anything worth keep'in
but had a good time

I hope I was feeding Sam enough
looks like he might have been a little hungry

Uncle Sam's Visit

The First Day Sam was here we

went to Paw-Paw's Birthday party

This is Sam and Sam

the younger Sam called the older Sam

"Big Sam"

10 year Anniversary

Brian and Marci's 10 year wedding Anniversary

for our anniversary my best friend Katie

along with my mom and other friends and family

gave us a celebration party.

we loved Celebrating with everyone

Thank you Katie!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Lilie TIme !!!!

Lilie has an affection for her Uncle Brian

he has always had a way with the ladies

I love this picture because it looks like mom is fussing

Katie's First taste of the Happy Cow's Stewed tomatoes

If you have never had these you need to.

They only serve them on Fridays