Monday, April 6, 2009

Fake Easter

The Bennett's will be spending Easter in Campaign this year,
so we took an opportunity this weekend to celebrate with some really
fun people. We hunted eggs at the Holiday shores clubhouse.
Then we sat for pictures with the Easter bunny ( or as Taylor says " eat the bunny")
Had a great Easter Feast at home ,then topped it off with a second Easter egg hunt.
The Bennett's With the Easter Bunny

Great Grandma and Great Grandpa with the Bunny

Brianna and The Bunny

Brianna checking out what she collected during the Easter Egg hunt

Brianna hunting Eggs

Taylor is thinking "look NAna all the eggs are here not in the Field"

the cutest kids in the whole world

counting the egg total after the second hunt of the day

somehow we found one more than we hid ?

Wendi, Shelli, and Marci
we decided not to tell Shelli she still had bunny ears on

Lilie found a green egg
So mommy kissed her !

Lilie loved fake Easter


  1. I totally *heart* the picture of Bri with her loot! Soo cute!

    Aww, Lilie made the blog twice! We are so honored! ;) (And glad the *other* picture-you know what I mean-didn't).

    We love the Bennetts!

  2. Fake Easter looks like it was TONS-O-FUN! We can't wait to see the pictures from real Easter! :)
